31st July 2023




Kō te whakaaro tuatahi ki tō tātou Wāhingaro. Ki ēna ō tātou kua wheturangitia, kua huri tuara mai kia tātou, kō rātou kia rātou. Mahue mai  tātou kia tātou kia ora huihui mai ano rā tātou. Kei ia Ngāti Whātua te mūkua i tōna ake ano hē ki rūnga ia Sarah, tana hoa rangatira ā Hone, me wā rāua tamāriki tatu iho ake ki ōna whānau, hapu Iwi. Ahakoa kotahi ano te hē i whara atu kō te katoa.

Kō te tūmanako ō te whatumanawa e taea e Sarah te kite I te pono ō te Arohanui kia aia.

We the trustees of Ngā Maunga Whakahii o Kaipara Development Trust would like to acknowledge Sarah Īhāia-Chapman's service as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Manahautū of Ngā Maunga Whakahii o Kaipara.

We wish to acknowledge Sarah’s resilient service as CEO of Ngā Maunga Whakahii o Kaipara Development Trust since 2021. We recognise that over this time Sarah has been committed to navigating the Trust through some complex and difficult circumstances. We, the trustees acknowledge the challenging environment that Sarah has had to work in and that may at times have caused stress to her and her whānau. We therefore wish to acknowledge and apologise for any undue distress that Sarah and her whānau has suffered as a result of these unfortunate circumstances.

The Trust recognise the working professionalism Sarah applied in seeking to uphold the responsibilities of NMWK as a post-settlement entity group organisation. The Trustees thank Sarah for commissioning the significant 10 year report and Tomorrow’s Ngāti Whātua plan which she and her team developed, that provides Ngā Maunga Whakahii o Kaipara with a great pathway forward. She leaves this legacy for our Trust and our people.

We wish Sarah all the best for the future and want to thank her for the work she has done for Ngā Maunga Whakahii o Kaipara Development Trust. This apology is to her from the Ngā Maunga Whakahii o Kaipara Development Trust Board.


Mauri Ora,


Dame Naida Glavish DNZM JP

Ngā Maunga Whakahii o Kaipara Development Trust Trustee


Haahi Waaka (Walker)

Ngā Maunga Whakahii o Kaipara Development Trust Kaumātua Trustee


Ngā Maunga Whakahii o Kaipara Development Trust Board












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